Sights & Sounds
- Like the Spyro Reignited Trilogy did for the Spyro games, this game offers a massive graphical facelift. If you played these games as a kid, you'll be blown away
- The sound design is very faithful to the old games, just with higher quality audio. I've always thought the background music to crash was thematically excellent, so hearing these songs again was great
- Animations are excellent in all their cartoonish glory (especially the large variety of death animations

Story & Vibes
- There's not much of a story. Just stop Dr. Cortex from doing whatever it is he's trying to do
- The game is lighthearted, nostalgic fun. Even dying doesn't feel to bad (and you'll be dying a lot)

Playability & Replayability
- Each of the 3 games follows the same format. They all consist of a series of levels connected to a central hub. Once you beat all the levels in one hub and beat the boss, you can progress to the next one
- In addition to regular platforming, Crash presents players with a variety of challenges. You'll be getting chased by polar bears, zipping around in jetpacks, firing torpedoes underwater, and racing hot rods on a motorcycle at various points across the three games
- These are not easy games, but if you can beat the first one, the next two won't throw anything at you that you can't handle. Seriously, I forgot how hard the first game is. Just remember that you can run across the ropes on the bridge levels to save yourself a lot of frustration
- While some of the platforming is indeed challenging, it often feels like the camera is your greatest enemy. It's truly frustrating at times, but after a few hours or so, you'll get a hang of spacing your jumps
- The boss battles are nice and varied, but many of them are unbelievably easy. It's a little jarring to beat a difficult level after suffering through it a dozen times, then no-hit the boss in under a minute

Overall Impressions & Performance
- The game extremely well. There were a few weird little bugs (for example, Crash would bounce around on bonus level platforms when they were moving), but none of them affected gameplay
- If you have any nostalgia whatsoever for these games, I'd highly recommend picking this up. I passed the controller back and forth with my wife (who was also a fan of these games when she was a kid), and we both had a great time re-experiencing the game
- If for some reason you're trying to choose between this game and the Spyro Reignited Trilogy, I'd say this one is just a little better, but that more or less mirrors my opinions of the original games

Final Verdict
- 8/10. An excellent and faithful remaking of the Crash trilogy. If you like character 3D platformers and are up for a challenge, these are some of the best ever made. The fantastic presentation is icing on the cake

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024
