Sights & Sounds
- The isometric perspective works adequately for the CRPG/adventure gameplay
- Art style is quite nice. The overworld is heavily stylized realism, while the menus and character portraits are more whimsical. It's all so nicely cohesive and interesting to look at. In all, the game full of pleasant and vibrant views, even if it's not an eye-blasting technical achievement
- The music is pretty great. The daytime overworld music often gets stuck in my head, but the whole soundtrack works as an excellent auditory backdrop

Story & Vibes
- As you might expect for a widely-renowned storytelling game, the plot is an intriguing murder mystery with plenty of twists and turns
- If you topics like philosophy and politics, this might not be the game for you. However, if you enjoy humorous, absurdist, post-modern deconstruction of such topics, you'll find a lot for your brain to chew on here
- It's hard to express just how much personality this game has. It's oozing with it. I beat this game several months ago and I'm still thinking about it
- I highly recommend playing every last mission and side mission you encounter. A lot of them connect to the main plot (as well as themes). You'll get more out of the story if you do, and the world will feel more fleshed-out and well-conceived
- Pretty much every character is well-written and interesting. You also get to experience everything with Kim, who is the best sidekick I've encountered in any game I've played

Playability & Replayability
- The detective adventure gameplay was fairly standard, though I'll note that the ability to highlight interactive objects on screen was very helpful and saved me from getting stuck a few times
- The game does NOT hold your hand. There were a few times I struggled to figure out how to advance, though the worst involves potentially running out of money and doing everything you can to scrounge up what you need to advance. The game does provide a couple of outs for this situation, they can be unappetizing for various reasons
- There is a time crunch element (you have a certain number of days, depending on your actions, before the final encounter is triggered), so keep in that mind. The sense of foreboding this limitation imposes is one of the few times I found it thematically appropriate and not contrived for the sake of producing artificial tension
- Coming up with a build is the nuttiest thing about this game. I won't spoil too much, because it both matters and doesn't matter at the same time. Just roll with whatever skills sound like they'd be useful, interesting, or hilarious. They'll all factor into your gameplay somehow. Maybe focus on one or two types of skills, but don't be afraid to branch out either
- I plan on playing this game in the future to experience more of the endings and make a few different decisions to see how the story changes. Probably multiple times

Overall Impressions & Performance
- The game ran perfectly, but it's not not going to tax many systems that badly
- I'd highly, HIGHLY recommend this game to fans of story-driven point-and-click games, particularly if you have a sense of humor and took a philosophy or political science course or two in college.
- If you're on the fence, I recommend taking the dive (especially if it's on sale). I would not recommend it if you don't like philosophical topics and value action over story
I feel like I'm underselling the quality of the game a little. There's just nothing quite like the protagonist's recurring inner monologue. It adds so much color and intrigue to what is frankly an already pretty good political thriller plotline. Is it more of a political philosophy dissertation than an investigation-focused adventure game? I don't know, but I'm confident in calling it my favorite game ever

- 10/10. The game is a narrative masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression. If you like thoughtful, heartfelt, and eye-opening storytelling, take the dive and give it a try

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024


Your profile pic made me think that this was your favorite game lol. Great review!

22 days ago

@MicrosoftWord03, Thank you! It really did grip me in a way I wasn't totally expecting. I really do need to get around to another playthrough soon

The profile pic is actually the cover of an album from a doom metal band called Locrian), but you're right, it does look pretty similar to the skill portraits in the game

@duhnuhnuh Nice I'll be sure to check them out