Sights & Sounds
- Great artstyle; highly surreal all around
- The music is very understated and strange, as you'd probably expect

Story & Vibes
- I'll be real honest, I'm not sure what the plot is. You go around fighting baddies, solving puzzles, and recruiting friends, then the game just kinda ends
- It feels like a deconstruction of the JRPG genre. I think what I've come to understand is that when you strip this style of game down to the barest of bones and its tropes, it seems a little silly and bland
- The game messes with you in that way. Everything felt like a weird critique of the genre. Do you take it seriously and at face value? Or do you revel in the joke that goes on a little long?
- The game isn't really ever unsettling, just bizarre

Playability & Replayability
- It's a JRPG-style game with very bare-bones mechanics
- The puzzles aren't too difficult
- I'm not sure there's much of a reason to replay the game

Overall Impressions & Performance
- The game made me think about JRPG metanarratives, but in the end, I don't really think I had any fun. Is that the point?
- It ran okay on the Steam Deck outside of three crashing incidents. Be sure to save often if you're playing it on that plaform

Final Verdict
- 6/10. I dunno, maybe the joke is just going over my head. It's cheap and works on the Steam Deck, so pick it up if you like genre critiques. I really did enjoy the art style, at least, even if the game itself felt tedious

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024
