Sights & Sounds
- Interestingly stylized pixel art that oscillates between scenes of dystopian cyberpunk decay and oddly beautiful--but often creepy--psychedelic scenes
- The music is fantastic. The credits song is a banger and worth sticking around for

Story & Vibes
- This game pulls off "weird" well. The narrative is cohesive and complete, just strange
- There's imagery and subject matter that some may find disturbing, but those facets of the game lend themselves well to plot's themes. I wouldn't call it tasteful, but it is consistent with the game's world
- Like other well-crafted adventure game worlds, the setting feels like another character. You're often given the opportunity to look at the skyline during important moments, and it's worth doing
- Despite the dour themes investigating the various catastrophic results of unfettered capitalism, the game is full of humor. If you explore enough, you'll find extended gross-out gags, darkly funny situations, and some incredibly absurd scenes

Playability & Replayability
- It's a story-focused point-and-click adventure game. You can imagine the gameplay
- The story is a lot to process, so I'm not itching to jump back in anytime soon. Wouldn't mind getting the remaining achievements someday, though

Overall Impressions & Performance
- Ran perfectly, no bugs. Won't tax your hardware too badly
- Should only take 5-7 hours to beat

Final Verdict
- 8.5/10. It's a great story. If you're into adventure games, this is one of the best of the year so far

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024


3 months ago

Loved your review style. Cheers!

3 months ago

@Giulianosse, Thank you!