"Standing here" doesn't even play in that scene

Run around for 5 minutes looking for something to shoot just to get sniped from across the map and lose because they boarded the ship or whatever tf the objective is

THIS IS MARVEL SNAP BITCH!!! We clown in this mf betta take yo sensitive ass back to hearthstone


The first roguelite to make you look forward to dying

MiHoYo's guide to a mickey mouse game:

- soulless characters with generic & recycled designs
- dry ass story completely reliant on dropping the longest most boring exposition dumps of your life that never even go anywhere
- painfully verbose wall of text explaining some shit you already knew Paimon: So what you're SAYING is... says the same exact fucking thing again
- baby easy combat w/ no real endgame
- employees are probably overworked and rarely get to see their children
- gacha