Woah what an improvement over the first chapter! Immediately becomes apparent with the better animations, larger cast, more features, that Toby Fox finally has help! Chapter 2 finally feels like a sequel to Undertale and lays the foundation for what could become an all time classic game.

Chapter 2 expands the party battle system with more options for the teamates and rewards mercy play by allowing to recruit enemies you save to your town. As always the combat isn’t really fleshed out, it’s there to look like an old school RPG but in reality there isn’t much choice, each battle instead is like a puzzle filled with mini games on how to save the enemy. I was disappointed in the battles of the first chapter but this one really brings out the creativity. I was constantly surprised at what the game would have me do next, in and out of battles. The puzzles are fun, the bullet hell segments are great, and there are some fantastic mini games.

The star of show is the writing and characters, Deltarune chapter 2 greatly expands the lore and starts to explore so many characters and creates a sort of love hexagon, I can’t wait to see where it all goes. It’s all so charming, I can’t help but love everything about this world. It also helps that through it all is an air of mystery, secret bosses and weird shit that the community will be solving for some time.

I am not a big fan of the episodic roll out, I think it’s holding back the full scope of this game. There doesn’t seem to be the choice filled routes of Undertale because the game is broken up in pieces. It’s hard to create a big emotional climax when we are still at the start of the story. But if all 7 chapters are this good, my god the end result can be very special.

Deltarune chapter 2 is every bit as good as Undertale it’s just smaller and not complete. It has great music, great bosses, memorable character and locations and everything that makes these games so special. Try it’s free!

Overall Score: 8.7

Reviewed on Sep 20, 2021

1 Comment

I've been watching a couple livestreams on and off of the game, and I have not played it. So take my words with a grain of salt. But it does seem like the newer sprites are drastically better than the old ones. Which is both a good and bad thing, cause the sprite art looks great but also the reused sprites from chapter 1 clash with it