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Don't call it a comeback

Rarely nowadays to I get sad after I complete a game because I'm having so much fun but Cyberpunk 2077 is one of those games for me, to preface I started a new game on ps5 after Phantom Liberty came out so I was able to avoid many of the launch window pitfalls many experienced and even then it did take me a bit of time to get fully invested but once I did this game consumed my time, I also experienced some minor bugs but nothing game breaking

Night City truly feels like a living breathing place and one I found myself getting lost in more often then not, if someone were to make a Night City walking sim I wouldnt hestiate to pick that up, I felt greatly immersed in this world

Sidemissions and Gigs did get a little on the repetitive side (go here, steal/shoot this, repeat), but the freedom in which you are able to tackle each mission lessons the monotany, the story overall is pretty interesting, while I dislike Johnny Silverhand's performance and character pretty immensly at first, he eventually grew on me which I believe was the developer's intent, still I found pretty much every other character to be far more interesting

Driving and shooting mechanics felt very responsive and fun, punching on the other hand was terrible and the boxing match sidequests were definitely a downside, RPG mechanics felt a bit underdeveloped this game is more of a open world first person shooter then a action RPG

Clocked in about 100 hours after doing every side mission/gig, Phantom liberty DLC and some other odds and ends, if you run through the story only i think it would probably only take you 15-20 hours

Overall, a truly fantastic game that is deserving of your time even if you were hesitant during the inital launch, defintely going to replay this one again in the future
