It took me a while, but I eventually bought a PlayStation 4 just for this game. I played through the game as I lived in New York, and every time I played this game, I would start/stop my sessions on the building I lived in. This had to be one of the most special gaming experiences I’ve ever had.

I can’t really talk about the game's gameplay, setting, and story in a way that hasn’t been said before. It’s near-perfect. It makes you feel like Spider-Man, yada yada yada. But it also makes you feel like Peter Parker. It makes you care about being a good person. "When you help someone, you help everyone" is a philosophy as powerful as "with great power comes great responsibility." It’s so cool being a friendly neighborhood in a way that’s inspiring and educational—doing those lab missions actually comes up pretty quick in my mind when thinking of how great this game is for our modern day, especially our contemporary New York City.

Swinging around as Spidey is more beautiful than it is in Spider-Man 2 (2004), I have to admit, but it’s not totally physics-based. I think the nostalgia makes me prefer the original, but this one comes VERY close, which says a lot.

What more can I say? This game is therapeutic. It helps all those who choose to wear the mask. Life can be hard sometimes, but when you take a moment to swing around, help someone, and believe in yourself, life feels a little brighter.

Reviewed on Sep 20, 2023
