245 Reviews liked by ebern

i think i am one of the last few remaining Wii U defenders on the planet today. i love the gamepad allowing for asynchronous things to be happening on the screens. i love Pikmin 2. needless to say, when i saw that you could split up your captains on the gamepad and use auto-pathing to multitask your pikmin for maximum efficiency during the short days, my heart stopped (i lived).

ultimately, i think the game falls short in dialing back a lot of the best parts of Pikmin 2, such as the charm of each individual treasure and the lack of caves acting as long challenging dungeons, and not expanding enough elsewhere. oh well. maybe we'll get a pikmin 4 on the switch someday...

love it when those lil mfs go hup hep hip hep hup

My only replay of my Pikmin marathon, and thus, the first Pikmin game I ever played. It's still quite good, with pretty intriguing level design that is more preoccupied with managing Pikmin with multiple captains and more multi-step boss fights. It also still looks really nice for a game that's now a decade old! I do wish that it kind of kept the consumerist satire from Pikmin 2 (or, well, a lot of the more cynical personality shown from the previous Pikmin games) instead of the relatively flavorless dynamic between the three captains and the vague environmentalist themes here

Pikmin 3 is everything I wanted Pikmin 1 and 2 to be. Smart AI and automation, good control scheme, polished gameplay and a balanced time limit system. Pikmin 3 takes the best things about the first 2 games and refines them even more, although I did prefer the goal of collecting random items in Pikmin 2 than collecting fruit in this game. Olimar's side story is also fun and a good challenge after you beat the main. Had so much fun with this and I'm really looking forward to Pikmin 4.

This is wjat i think a pikmin game should be like just a chill rts game with cute flower creatures and a sense of exploration with beautiful areas and biomes. Many criticise its difficulty and i do understand however for me pikmin shoild just be more about optimising your run or just taking it chill and take in the visuals and this game delivers in spades in those aspects. Worth noting most of the bosses in this game are by far the best in the series

I fully believe Louie is the most reprehensible and evil Nintendo character.

Great gameplay, beautiful for wii u. Neat logs and neat details. Fun optimization its great.

I loved it
Played on Wii u and I’m so glad I did
The control scheme of having the Wii controller, nunchuck and game pad was perfect
Legitimately one of the best game pad utilisations I’ve seen
It was all just so natural and fed into the hectic planning that you have to do in the game


This is where it all began....

I was like, bro, I need a good Nintendo Game. I've played too much Mario. XD XD XD XD Where is a good game?

Then I found THIS!!!!

I currently own ALL The Pikmin Games. (That includes 1, 2, 3, 3 Deluxe, 4, & Hey! Pikmin. My family also owns it on "Nintendo Land." I have also played "Pikmin Bloom," another fun, but addicting game.)

So, it's obvious. I absolutely LOVE Pikmin.

My favorite animal is literally a "Bulborb."

Honestly, I need all of your support. I'm already looking forwards to Pikmin 5 and 6.

Explore a beautiful world full of exotic creatures, Pikmin of all different species, and Bulborbs that burn, freeze, and eat your Pikmin!!!

(I have literally cataloged ALL the Pikmin creatures just as a side-hobby. XD XD XD XD)

You can tell I'm obsessed. That is why I rated it the same as "Super Mario Galaxy."

it's okay but i got kinda bored after the initial wonder of exploration wore off a few hours in. also dunkey and his fans are extremely annoying. that has nothing to do with this game i just wanted to say it.

An incredible co-op game that not only stands strong on its own terms, but also plays as a love letter to the multitude of games that inspired it.

Right from the start, the game moves at breakneck speed through new set pieces and mechanics, and never leaves time for a dull moment. It especially shines in its open-area sections, which are stuffed with hidden minigames, interactive objects, and silly banter between the two characters. The game has a sincere heart to it, with some scenes making me laugh out loud, tear up, or even both. While the overall story leaves a little to be desired, it's still able to string together a series of truly unforgettable moments.

I had the joy of playing It Takes Two with my partner to celebrate four years of dating. One of our first video gaming moments was playing the co-op campaign in Portal 2. And while personally Portal 2 reigned supreme for co-op multiplayer, It Takes Two deftly usurped the throne. This games deserves every bit of praise it gets.

Easily one of the best games I've ever played. A whole therapeutic experience. I played it with my best friend, and alike the characters we started off arguing and on the wrong foot. By the end, we grew so much closer. Its a whole experience that words cannot describe.