maybe the most meh and fine game ever created. this is most probably nostalgia wrapping me up into some fuckass unbreakable trance of dissatisfaction, and the original re4 isn’t the best game out there but yes it is oh it so fucking is. such dry campiness and mechanics just barely clicking together into something magnetic. sure i can be giddy when a fave of mine is remade but this is just snuffed from the stuff that enkindled the original traded for a saturated sludgefest. i just sense a disconnect from everything and i don’t know if i can say that i actually enjoyed this game, what is this game’s tone??? loved the metroidvania style of re2make but they shot themselves in the foot with this one because what made the og so great was its reinvention that has since then been trivialized, so there is nothing new about this. if re7 was a half return to the formula i feel like with this it’s starting to veer off again.


Reviewed on Dec 28, 2023
