i finished this game. and i say this with a great relief, not enthusiasm. this game is not difficult -- it's frustrating. if you want to make a difficult game, then at least give the player tight controls, impeccable camera angles and a depth perception that doesn't make you fail a jump you thought you could clearly make. these mistakes were made in the first three games of the franchise and i hope that, by now (22 years later), they were improved somehow. well, they weren't. i died hundreds of times in this game: most of the times not because it's difficult, but because it's greatly unfair.

when i heard about the N.verted levels i was quite excited to play the game again. now, as i said before, i feel relieved i was able to finish it at all. and i don't intend, by any means, return to this game ever again.

Reviewed on Apr 10, 2021
