The best cooperative multiplayer game since Left 4 Dead 2. Full of content and a variety of different biomes, enemies, and playstyles at launch and only getting more added as time goes on. Does the live-service model correctly by allowing everything to be earned in game, no currency expires, all added content is here to stay and never goes away so there is no FOMO or rushing.

Some performance issues and many bugs but slowly are being fixed and none that make the game unplayable. It can only get better.

The best pvp hero shooter that ever existed and now is no longer playable. Retains the 6v6 format while keeping competitive viability and very much fun. No traditional role system allows for creativity in team comps and player expression while also keeping the game balanced. There was never a time in the games lifespan in which one mobile suit was required on every team. This was due to every mobile suit having regenerating health when out of combat and also well placed health pickups in the map.

I personally reached Master rank and wished I had spent more time to reach Newtype rank. Sadly the game was hugely overlooked due to Bandai Namco mismanaging with the competitive scene instead opting to pay influencers to play the game for less than 2 weeks before dropping it as well as microtransactions and lootboxes for cosmetics. The playerbase on North America dwindled to the point that most players had to switch to JP servers to find matches. After a 1 year war, the game was shut down most likely due to not being profitable and not retaining a playerbase. It will always be a hidden gem and what I consider the peak of pvp hero shooters.

In my opinion the peak of the series. F-Zero X has an infinite skill ceiling. There is a reason why there are so few TAS of this game. Many mechanics and exploits that require a deep understanding of the game, and feels designed and tuned for the N64 controller. Amazing heavy metal rock and synth soundtrack that fits well with the death race aesthetic. I don't think the sequel developed by Sega could really capture the magic of X. If F-Zero were ever to return, I would hope it follows this game rather than any other in the series.