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1 day

Last played

March 24, 2024

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Cheap ass level design that centers around abilities that make some levels a mere formality, but are simultaneously a fucking torture to play without them. Too hard, too filled with shit, made to be beaten by using the flying Mario costume, but if you fuck it up it’s just 50x as punishing with regular jumping Mario. And I know it’s also cheap to say that a game doesn’t feel good and call it a day, but this game DOESN’T FEEL GOOD. Mario is agonizingly slow and his jump is short and floaty and never quite feels like he does what you want to do, so you have to constantly run EXCEPT IN MOST OF THE CHALLENGING JUMPS YOU CAN’T WIND UP SAID RUN PRIOR TO THE JUMP. I think that jumping to the wall to do a wall jump instead of jumping contrary to the wall is just weird. You cannot afford a weird direction mechanic or whatever when you already feel like shit to control. “It’s not shit, is deliberate” give me a break! Plus is just a tiresome formula with scenarios you’ve seen before a million times, a rehash of a rehash, calling it redundant seems redundant itself.