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Probably the single most movie-like episode of TWD. By that, I mean that I don't really feel like my choices really mattered all that much and that things still would have played out largely the same despite my choices. There are other episodes where that feels like that to a degree, but I feel that more here than usual. I enjoyed the character interactions here, but the final confrontation was a bit underwhelming and the final choice didn't really feel too fulfilling either way.

My choices:

-Helped Sam bury her father (unless you hate Sam, I don't know why you wouldn't)
-Told Alex a bad man hurt his father (got the point across without overwhelming him, I think)
-Handed Randall to Norma (at this point I was pretty certain a fight would break out no matter what, so making the trade as smooth as possibly was the priority)
-Put Norma out of her misery (I always be doing this)
-Chose to leave my daughters (curious what would happen if you don't. Just a non-canon ending where Michonne dies, or does Sam pull you out?)