This game feels like if they made a Mario Party 4 minigame a full game.

And I love Mario Party 4 so that's fine by me.

I had vague memories of play this game as a kid. I remember the circus level, pyramid level, and slopes level, and I remember having a really hard time with Red Brief J. I was pretty surprised to learn that I had almost beaten this game as a kid even though I only played it maybe once at my grandparents' house? Maybe it was more than once.

Anyhow, this game is pretty damn easy and not super interesting in either of its genres - 3D platformer and beat 'em up. The combat is super simple, enemies offer virtually no lethality the majority of the time, and frankly I just avoided them most of the time in the second half since they're just boring. The only way to die in this game is by getting hit enough times, falling into pits takes you to a zone where you have to break boxes to find an exit and any damage you take there will just take away money (money which you only use to buy health, yipee). The fun of this game is pretty much entirely in exploration and bosses. there are a whole bunch of collectibles in each level. Most of them are pretty easy to find, but there are challenge rooms that have you solve some kind of puzzle or complete a platforming challenge and they're the most fun part of the game. That said, they are also pretty easy most of the time. The very last level had some challenging ones (and one puzzle that I don't know how you're supposed to do, I just cheesed it a bit).

Every level has a unique boss, and each world ends in another unique boss - there's actually more bosses in this game than levels. Honestly, they don't take much to figure out how to beat, but I appreciate making each boss special, and there are some wicked designs here. A marionette cherub, a medusa with a blue stone-cold face, a bigass spider, etc. They're overall very interestingly designed, and most of them are fun to fight even if they aren't difficult. I'd say the final boss is actually the worst one since you just run around a circle and hit crystals for eight or so cycles and its attacks are predictable and easy, it was a disappointing end to the game. All in all, the designs in Wario World are cool.

This might be the best-animated 3D Wario to date, he's very expressive, and mixing that with his iconic voice lines makes this Wario actually decently stylized. The music is jamming, and the vibes are great. I definitely wouldn't call this a GameCube must-play, but it's still a good time, I don't think most people would regret playing it.

Reviewed on Apr 30, 2024


20 days ago

I'm annoyed that the JP version fixes the final boss apparently, I've been meaning to check out that fight myself one day.

20 days ago

@Vee Oh wow, I had no idea about that. Honestly, it kind of looks like it also goes on too long, but would have been way better to have a second phase than the super drawn out, stagnant one we got. The other bosses get new attacks at the fight goes on, but the final boss has the same three attacks outside of Japan lol.

Also, it looks like the Japanese version gave the Black Jewel a fleshy texture, which is wicked and I wish we had that.