Soul Axiom 2014

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(reviewing the original version since i'm not sure the rebooted one is much different). a messy passion project that somehow managed to be way more than the sum of its parts to me. listen to my episode of my old podcast The Blood Zone to hear me talk more about it:

are the puzzles altogether that interesting? no. you do a lot of fairly boilerplate puzzles with a few different hand manpulation powers. do a lot of settings feel like template Indie Game mixed with glossy NFT sorta art? yes. although there is a hazy dreaminess to the world which complicates this somewhat. is the plot remotely coherent? hell no. but it has a sort of Southland Tales level of really really trying to say something about something in a bizarre and idiosyncratic way.

for a walking sim with some puzzle elements, i really admire the ambition of the game. the variety of settings, all the secret areas. the way the hub map is laid out. the fact that different levels have different design gimmicks - some of which feel legitimately cool i.e. the apartment and hospital levels. there is something memorable that i keep coming back to about this game, even if it was a bit tedious at various points.