It's always 50/50 in a game that starts as strangely as Control does. You hope there's a cohesive story under there and hope not to be dissapointed or underwhelmed by the end. Control does not let you down.

It throws you in at the deep end at the heart of this weird world; the Federal Bureau of Control, and let's you peel it back and discover it for yourself, very rarely does it spiral into tangents explaining what this world is about, by rather let's you discover it by osmosis. Spend long enough in the Bureau and you'll understand enough to know what's going on.

There's enough in the main plot to have you figure it out, but there's pages upon pages of flavour text and bonus missions for those who want to learn more. The gameplay is immensely satisfying and easy to get accustomed to, although it will always be endlessly frustrating being one shot by a grenade or flying object no matter how much health you upgrade Jesse with.

And the designs are fantastic. Each sector of the Bureau is incredibly distinct while still recognisibly being the OIdest House. And the characters as well, Trench, Darling, Emily, Amish, all of them kept the story immensely engaging, encouraging me to further unravel the mysteries of the Hiss.

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2024
