A stunning, beautiful journey that I already wish I could play again for the first time, Outer Wilds is incredible.

The whole time I felt like I was on an adventure, like no other game could make me feel like, I was truly the hero in a story revolving around me, not the player avatar, but myself. Once it was solved, it was over, I can't replay it, I know how to solve it, and that's what makes it so special. It's a brief capsule, a lone chapter of the adventure I had in a far off galaxy, I played an important role in a fantastical galaxy, and it was wonderful.

I do wish that perhaps there was more interactivity with the world outside of the Scout and the Translator, but it is an absolute feat what Mobius managed to accomplish in designing puzzles with what little tools they give the player.

There is a part of me that wishes I could explore the star system that homes the Outer Wilds Ventures crew forever, but a larger part of me is forever grateful that I was able to visit at all, even if it means I won't go back again.

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2024
