1 Review liked by ennui_enthusiast

Chicory is just a super wholesome game full of charm.

It's just full of heart with its fantastic characters and surprising themes about loneliness, pressure and failure all wrapped up in a surprisingly beautiful world.

The story moments to this game feel like almost personal experiences of the developers that created it and I found myself really relating to some of the personal moments of self doubt and depression that feature in some moments. Despite these though Chicory still feels like a game about hope and building a better future past these roadblocks I really liked, but wasn't expecting going in.

Gameplay wise, Chicory plays like the top down game boy Zelda adventure games but instead of enemies you refill the world with colour as you explore. You can be as slap dash or meticulous as you want and the game doesn't punish you for it. It's a surprisingly long adventure coming in at about 30 hours but I never got bored painting or exploring, unlocking new abilities, collectibles and areas.

The visuals are simple but perfect for the game in black and white 2D. I have seen some fantastic screens of areas people have painted resulting in gorgeous environments. Mine tend to be way more simple blobs but they often look nice anyway.

Overall, it's an easily overlooked gem. Please buy it, spread the word.

+ Interesting characters and themes.
+ Fun to explore and paint.
+ Great art design and music.
+ Just warm and charming experience.