2 reviews liked by enzyyme

This game needs to be reimagined as a point and d*ck adventure

honestly just

Hello, everybody. My name is Markiplier and welcome to Turbo Dismount, the game where I will destroy myself for your entertainment. Oh god! Alright, hi guys, and welcome to Turbo Dismount. I don't know why I didn't find out about this game until just yesterday but man! Is it exactly what I wanted in a game! Anyway, so you're in a car- there's so much to explain- I love it already because I was able to put my face and a giant moustache on the car. That is absolutely astonishing to me. AND all the game is is you go and kill yourself! THAT'S IT! I love that! I love it! Oh, well, can't kill yourself very well doing something slow as that, but I put these turbo pads here and just- BAAAM! Oh my god! What the hell BUS...? Oh, here I am. Okay, I'm over here. So, anyway I haven't played it much, but I got a feel for the system. It's got a replay mechanic that you can display- - and then reverse Oh, it's so cool! I love it so much! Anyway, I got a lot of stuff to show you, so I got a lot of stuff to dick around with, that's what I gotta do. Alright, so this pose ain't working for me You can actually change the pose up and you can be sitting up here and, my favorite, of course is this one, because, for some reason my character model- which is the female character, by the way- sticks its butt out and starts shaking it around! That's awesome! Enough booty shaking, we gotta go! Let's go! Oh my god. Oh my god! Where did I go? Oh, they didn't stop for anything, did they? Where did I go? There- oh, there I am. Oh, wow. This is my favorite feature of it. It's so cool, it's so cool. Oh my god! Oh my god. "Stair Dismount" I didn't make it though, I need to make it farther Nah nah nah nah nah. I don't think that's gonna help; you keep wanting to shake your butt but I really don't think it helps. O-kay! Eh, why not, let's try it! Alright, already scraping your feet on the ground I like it, I like it, I like it NOOO! I gotta watch that again, please! O-oh my god! Queue the dramatic music. Oh my god! Oh, no no no no no- Oh, my arm! Nothing is ever gonna live up to that, that's just too perfect, there's no way that I could possibly beat it. Oh! Can that even- ? Look at you, you're so adorable! Oh, and there's a moustache on it! Aw, you look so sad, though, as if you're regretting- oh, you're even shaking your head. "This is a bad idea." Too bad! Yeah, buddy! That's almost max power right there. Come on! Get it get it get it get it get it Oh, no! Oh my god. "Hey, things are looking pretty good, I feel good about this- oh, no-" Realism is not exactly what we're going for- I didn't even see it coming! Ah, let's see that again in slow motion! Oh my god! Oh my god, I love it! Again! Show it to me again! Look, I'm so relaxed! I'm just like- "I don't have a care in the world." "Everything's gonna be just fine-" I think what's really gonna help us is coming at this at an angle. And a different pose, of course. Oh, Oh! Paint me like one of your- Oh my god. Ooh! I think that was absolutely max power right there. Too bad I wasn't going straight. Oh my god! Oh wow. Oh, so not- I didn't even see that! My torso is completely off of my legs! Now we just need an exercise in speed, so let's see what happens. My car disappeared! "I dunno, what's gonna-" Oh. OH! What did I- whoa! I'm sorry. I wonder what mystery vehicle I'm coming down the runway on now? Oh. Oh, look at it go! It's still going! What the hell? Oh, hi! "I can't be bothered by anything." "Oh, life is such a drag." "I wonder where I'm going." "Oh, who knows." And it's still going! Look at it go! Alright, bring on the Corley! Not a Harley or any- That thing chased you down to death! You slut! Stop spreading your legs like that. Even though your leg is clearly all the way over there. "Nothing could go wrong today- uh oh. Well, that doesn't- oh my god!" Alright, so that was Turbo Dismount. That is amazingly fun! I am putting this on my list of games to play with Bob when he comes to visit me or when I go to visit him, because us playing this game together would be so much fun! Anyway, if you wanna see more of it, let me know in the comments below. Thank you all so much for watching. And, as always, I will see YOU in the next video. Bye-bye!