Forever my favorite childhood game of all time and tied as my favorite game of all time along with resident evil 4 now. Words seriously cannot encompass what this game means to me and the love I hold for it. This game is eternally engraved in my heart, and I am forever grateful for having the opportunity to grow up with this game. Some of my most happiest moments in my childhood were found playing super mario galaxy in my basement on our big ass TV. This game has one of the most incredible and immersive atmosphere and level designs, this game is a large part of why I’m so obsessed with space and astronomy and astrophysics today. I actually plan to go into astrophysics in college and part of that love definitely came from playing the Super Mario Galaxy series as a child. Not to mention how this game also has one of the greatest osts of all time and never fails to make me cry or tear up when listening to it. I will never forget the joy on my face when I got this game for christmas back in 2012, and spent the whole morning playing it will eating hello kitty jelly beans. This is such a crystal clear memory for me and I’m so happy to have it on video tape. This game was a comfort me in my hardest and lowest times when I had nothing else. It has seriously done so much for me and the ending and credits always make me fucking cry. It also introduced one of my most beloved and favorite characters of all time, Rosalina. I admire and look up to her even to this day, I vividly remember crying so hard over Rosalina’s story book when I was younger and it still fills me with incredible sadness to this day. There is something so special about Super Mario Galaxy that no other mario game or video game will ever be able to capture. Thank you for being everything to me.

Reviewed on Jun 08, 2023
