Cool idea if you like.. um.. puzzles or something but i however take at least a month to unpack after a vacation so idk why u'd wanna sit down and unpack in a game.
Cool and unique way to tell a story but not enough murder for me to enjoy it.

I pirated the game and all it's dlcs plus played with mods so personally i have a 5/5 experience whenever i play this.
I still can't rate this any higher than a 4 because the game is overpriced as fuck (especially the expansions) and even if you pirate the game + expansions, it's the mods that make the game good.

2/5 game with a 5/5 community

Beat it twice in two and a half hours while sleep deprived, mostly just listening to the music. Game itself is very easy and does nothing interesting or new but at least the vibes are on point.

i stayed up all night to slay the spire and it was worth it

chill game and the artstyle slaps