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Listen, was this a perfect game? no, not at all. There were multiple issues regarding pacing and narrative choices, as well as overdramatization (lmfao). To be 100% honest, this game would have probably been a 10/10 if we had just stayed with the kids at the orphanage, but honestly - I find myself not caring as much about it, because all in all, this game did more for Kiryu than I could have ever wished for. It examplifies that he's both one of the most caring, wonderful people on this planet, but at the same time fundamentally and deeply flawed (which makes sense, considering his upbringing and past).
The ending was actually pretty damn cool too, Mine was an excellent character for how little screentime he had and I wish we could have seen more of him and Daigo and Kiryu...but alas...
All in all, this game is dear to my heart despite all the flaws...it genuinely made Kiryu shoot up my favourite character of all time list.