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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

September 25, 2023

First played

September 1, 2023

Platforms Played


So we were in at the end of a long expedition in Hollow Bough and it was a low oxygen environment. That means you have to stay near the mule, drop pod, resupply pods, etc. to get O2. Communication is key so that you don't have a mule leaving one group without O2. Well wouldn't you know it, one of our miners wandered off in a different direction just as another hit the button to recall the mule back to the drop pod. That means the miner who wandered off can't call the mule over to give them oxygen which means they fucking die!! So the three of us follow the mule back to the drop pod, perched up on a big plateau. And this is a long trek too with lots of difficult to traverse terrain.

The straggler obviously goes down since they can't fucking breathe. In any other game, I say "good bye moron". There's no way all three of us can get to them without the mule, whose already been recalled onto the drop pod. Oh, also there's only like 3 minutes left until the drop pod leaves. But not in Deep Rock. No dwarf left behind, motherfucker. I'm a scout, so I'm thinking I can zoom my way over to save the guy. Again though, no mule. There's no way the other guy can make it to the drop pod with no mule for air. But I noticed that we have a fuckload of nitra, since we were mining for so long. That means I can run and grapple hook to the downed guy, call resupply pods on the way, and then save them. That way, they can stop at each pod and replenish their O2 stores on the return trek.

So I tell the other two who are already on the drop pod, "I'm going for em. Inshallah." Speaking of which, I can't bring the other two because they don't have the mobility I have to make it to the downed idiot without suffocating. One miner says "Karl would be proud". I already know he is even if I don't make it back. Because that's what he would do.

So I go off. I'm dodging glyphids and shooting thorns and jumping chasms and calling resupply pods. And I'm fucking sweatin. Hard. I make it to the downed guy and they're in a horrible spot... They're at the bottom of a fucking hole with like five big ass praetorians and a ton of grunts swarming. No wonder they almost died. I freeze them with my cryo grenades and smash em like I'm in Mortal Kombat. Phew. Then I pick up the poor bastard up and we make our way back. I'm defending this idiota as he's gasping for air at the resupply pods.

But now I'm thinking there's no way he makes it up to the drop pod in time. It's up a massive, steep mountain if you remember. Now I'm thinking, this was all for naught. I can make it back with my hook, but the lad is fucked. Not so fast. The other two dwarves, thank fucking Karl, had the wherewithal to build platforms so the straggler can climb back quickly. The music is pumpin. The idiot is climbin. The clock is tickin. Everyone is unloading on the swarm. I shit you not, we made it back with like 10 seconds left. My heart grew three sizes that day and I know Karl is smiling down on us from the big tavern in the sky. For rock and FUCKING stone... Anyways, we got shitfaced on the rig after. Good times.