no thicc thighs but the comfy vibes are thicker anyway

since im already knee deep into the atelier series after playing ryza i decided to hold the sequel off for a second while i take my time exploring the beginning of the series with the remake of atelier marie the very first game in the franchise and a damn good one at that i thought there were gonna be a lot lesbians in this one too and i was pretty happy to see that theres a lot of sapphic play going on we won people

since i only played one (1) i still have no idea what this franchise comprises and when booting this game my expectations were definitely high up there due to me being blown away by ryza and it definitely delivered in that department if i gotta be honest

as a remake i cant really attest for a lot of stuff since again ive never played the original (i saw i can toggle the atelier marie plus version in-game so i think im gonna give that a try to see how the original is faring whether its cock and balls torture or not) but i definitely can see a lot of love poured into this project even though the skeleton of the source material is still mostly intact as much as im concerned

atelier marie plays it safe in every single part of the game starting by the story itself: marie is an alchemist in an academy institute who is also well known to be an absolute failure in everything she does so the principal gives her the possibility to use an atelier for 5 years for the purpose of honing her ability and creating an high quality object as a testament of her improvement in the art

and thats basically it youre gonna play through these 5 years which actually sound like a lot of work but realistically everything you do in this game will move the day forward traveling harvesting fighting doing alchemy i swear 5 years went by faster than i initially planned and this game is probably gonna take you something like 10 hours its definitely way way way shorter than i expected it to be but i think the original is even shorter so they made a huge amount of work actually adding some flare to the whole thing

coming from ryza most of the elements of the series are simpler and way toned down here the exploration is pretty bare bones you have like 10 places to visit which yeah theyre pretty fun and range in biomes and gathering in them makes it pretty clear that theres definitely not as much variety in the items even things like alchemy make a huge step back with only something between 50 and 100 items im not actually sure im just giving out numbers for the stuff ive seen in there but do i care about all this drivel ? absolutely fucking NOT the core element of a relaxed jrpg are still there and wow the formula was already a winning one in the very first game thats absurd

so as i was saying the gameplay is (as far as i know) typical atelier loop you explore and gather items you make some alchemy and do some fetch requests in the tavern and if the stars align youre gonna get a huge event or something

while i was definitely familiar with the gameplay loop the time management aspect of it all was something that i found weird being completely absent in ryza and it was kind of a delight to explore (even tho i chose to do the unlimited time mode because im very easily stressed but i still managed to have the requirements for a couple good endings so apparently its more lenient than i thought it would be)

as i said time passes while doing literally anything whatsoever so theres that but i definitely enjoyed how this all entwined to the different events in specific moments of the year or side quests for specific character is a really fun mechanic that drives home the limited time and schedule youre gonna have to deal with

a highlight is getting to know the different aspects of the town and listening to different gossips around the plaza and IN PARTICULAR the side plot lines are so interesting now as i said the main story isnt really so thick its basically “you need to make item X in 5 years” and thats it but the fact that you actually dont have a set party and you can actually hire/befriend/help a plethora of different characters in town which makes it really fun to actually get to know each one of them if youre interested just get them in your party fight a bit with them and increase the friendship to get new heart to heart events

top of the top are schea my sweet little baby she definitely has some scissoring going on with marie but you will be the judge of that also side note why are all atelier girls excited by barrels and have weird names like what kinda name is marlone honestly whatever so i was saying the bandit boss is so hot im sorry yall i HAD to say that as soon as i saw him i was like damn do i want a piece of that and hes actually a pretty deep character to boot likeeeeeeeeeee ruven is also pretty hot i love me some extraverted confident mercenary for my party and for my hole and then idk the others are also cool the kings knight is handsome the redhead woman can kick my balls yknow the usual

talking side characters the new way the combat system work is pretty simple but i really enjoyed it its definitely not that deep you only get a couple of tactics going on and most of the time is just skill skill skill until everyones dead but the fact that you can bring different people in battle actually make for a really cool variety in the party composition and overall its way on the easy side youre gonna level up pretty smoothly and kill everyone in your way without any real problem

the art direction is stellar this chibi style really ate and left no crumbs it has that sweet little ps1 charme (the entire game also feels like a early console game if im being honest like it has those kind of simple and charming vibes) and while it is pretty simple most of the locations are actually pretty beautiful if you ask me and the little CGs during events are SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD and also did you look at those portraits theyre so beautiful my jaw dropped so hard after looking at them not gonna lie oh and the music is also booming ngl

got the “going to the adventure ending” but i actually watched the remaining events and endings on youtube and obviously the lesbian schea route is the canon one im not even gonna argue with yall on this

all in all another confirmation that i gotta dig into this series a lot more and i cant wait to play some more stuff my expectations are HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH

Reviewed on Nov 28, 2023
