daddy sans

i cant believe after 7 years this game still managed to make me bawl my eyes out like a fucking baby this is unbelievable (not really im a big crybaby but . )

in preparation to deltarune i decided to replay this monumental game that wasnt able to leave my mind (actually everybodys mind) for 7 WHOLE YEARS and its still as good as i remember it

i wont say anything that wasnt already said in 100+ video analysis and review and secrets and iceberg and everything else but this is just my overall considerations and I will just pretend the people reading this are not knowledgeable about this masterpiece even though I think thats v hard but whatever

so let's just put random considerations out there

nothing will ever top this game in the indie landscape for the extreme interest that spread through the game community itself but even people that don't usually play videogame it was just abysmal i cant believe it to this day

now this can be a double edged sword fandoms kinda ruined this for me for like the longest time but I just recently realised that fandoms are different beings from the source material . shocker i know and also i was part of the fandom and therefore a part of the problem and I take responsibility for that anyhow

this time I played the pacifist + true pacifist route and I honestly never played the genocide I have no idea what it's like apart from The Moment Of Videogame History so it's something I will try next time maybe I'll leave an update under this review when I finish it but anyway I will basically talk about the pacifist route (for people who don't know for whatever reason pacifist = you don't kill any monster in the game . genocide = you kill fucking everyone) and leave the genocide for interpretation I guess

sooooooo . where the fuck do I begin with this behemoth ok gameplay it is

this is an rpg and now you're gonna think about earthbound because this gets a lot of inspiration from that one but the battle system is completely different and inventive and possibly the most innovative aspect of this entire game and something that I profoundly enjoy for its genre bending characteristics

again this IS an rpg but the battles play out in 2 ways . either you battle (there's a bullseye mechanic for that one = kill them = genocide) or you act (there's some options that may or may not calm down the enemy and leaving them satisfied = spare them = pacifist) but whatever you choose whenever you get attacked you are met with the games main gimmick and mechanic and possibly the most outstanding aspect of this entire game . the heart and square

now . if I told you that this simple and even rudimentary game design choice gets stretched to the fullest extreme in a way so mind bending and spectacular you would think im lying and I would not fault you for that

you get this cute little heart in a square and this is where the bullet hell component comes into play . "bullet hell ?" the reader inquires "as in 段幕 ? where the fuck did that come from" I hear them say in disbelief yeah honestly same and here's why this game is absolutely unrealistic in mishmashing a lot of different influences and playing with your expectations profoundly and gradually

basically every enemy got his bullet pattern (this is sooooo great honestly there's some inventive patterns out there and also every single enemy gets his shot pattern against you every turn so if there's 3 enemies they're gonna mix in one attack . hard but fun) and if youre hit by any of these bullets you get X damage so here's the rpg element . this is just SO FUCKING COOL OH MY GOD and these 2 genres blend together too well I can't believe how incredibly they complement each other im not joking

so you're gonna be asking yourself ok but this would get p tiring p soon and to that I will say that the game tries to innovate its own battle systems to incredible new heights every time with new gimmicks amazing boss battles and gripping difficulty curve and ALSO this is used not only as a sterile and unrelated battle system but specifically comes into play for narrative purposes

these interesting gimmicks range from makign you unable to move on your free will and just making you just or going through different webs or different bullets that oblige you to move or stay put its just a lot of thought was put into every single battle you're gonna encounter and that's great

story wise it's also great and kinda edgy 2012 tumblr but this is also a product of its own time so are you even surprised

a human falls into a mountain to the depths of the earth where monsters dwell then you meet main antagonist flowey and mama toriel that gets you out of danger but your character is only willing to go back to its own world so bidding farewell to toriel you explore the underworld to get out of here

now we all know how this is gonna end but the particularity of this story is every single character that you encounter

ranging from papyrus to sans to toriel to undyne to basically every fucking one bitch in this stupid game they're gonna be so charming and so amazingly characterised to hell and back that you have no other option than get attached to each and every one of them till the end of the game and again even tho the writing can and will be on the edgy side still every character resonates with you in one way or another apart from having really recognisable character designs that can be recognised by people who don't even play games but we're active on Internet during the late 2000s

the art direction is particularly grand it is inspired by the bit era of videogames and it probably adds to the entire charm of the game being this simple yet effective narrative that focuses on love

if you choose the (true) pacifist route you're gonna get into the real tearjerker ending so SPOILER ALERT for people who didn't play undertale till now which I dont think there are many to be honest so basically during the entire game you will actually grow closer to every single monster in the game like LITERALLY with single dates for every main character you will get in front of the king of the underworld aka daddy asgore and after you beat the shit out of him you're gonna be free into the human world

finishing these events is required to unlock the real pacifist where you will learn more about the backstory of the underworld where monsters and humans had a big conflict and also an insight into the story of the child of asgore and toriel that got killed before the games event in one of the best storytelling sequences of the entire game

the original human who fell to the underworld became asriels best friend and brother (and boyfriend) and subsequently toriel and asgores own kid before dying this kids last wish was to see his hometown but when asriel took his body there what happened is that humans thought he killed the kid and tried to kill him rendering him almost lifeless until he returned to the underworld and died in new home

when you get to asgore this time toriel stops you and everybody gets into the we love you (protag name) etc etc

this was actually floweys scheme to get everybody into the throne room and yada yada true motives are said and what happens is you battle with the most disgusting reincarnation of flowey into a BOMB boss battle that I love so fucking much and left a great impression on me to this day what the hell that final battle is great

so you fuck him up and its revealed that he's actually asriel so more shock value more plot twists and more final boss battles

you fuck him up make him realise its the end and he will ask you to forgive him you forgive him and hug him and you cry like a fucking bitch because asriel is the purest being ive ever seen in my entire life I love him dearly to this day what the hell

so in the end you get out with your friends start a new life and all


now this would be kind of a mid story if it weren't for the ost

now undertale ost has been stripped from its grandeur because of the countless memes they made from it but it has to be said that even in the 8 bit something kinda style of the music its one of the most heart warming and heart wrenching osts I've ever had the pleasure to listen in my entire life and that shit baffles me to this day that a game like this has one of the best music I've ever listened to FORREAL

like heartache may be the very first example in which you're met with the greatness of Toby fox composing skills and from here its just bigger and greater feelings for every single song and this culminates in title song that plays during asriels backstory this song is possibly one of the most tearjerking songs I've ever listened to in a videogame I can't help but cry like a fucking bitch is so absolutely beautiful in a way I can't explain and the fact that it's accompanied by another super fucking sad backstory guys I can't do this shit anymore

still there's a lot of other great songs here arguably every single song in this is a fucking masterpiece if you ask me like take asgores boss battle that is a fucking bomb boss battle theme but also has some leitmotifs coming from toriel theme THATS UGHHHHHH OH MY GOD THIS GAME or like undynes boss battle that I think this one only plays during genocide because I don't remember listening to it on my pacifist route but damn those fucking trumpets people I'm sooooooo this may be my absolutely favourite song in the entire ost im so sorry and yeah I guess also … megalovania that I listened to more times on the Internet than I wanted to and I know every single note of this song it haunts me during the night but still this is a fucking great song and you got also asriels battle theme which is also another one of my fav songs but realistically every single song in this fucking OST is a masterpiece so what are we talking about

honorable mention to my fav overworld BGM


my opinion on this game changed drastically from I love it to I hate it to I love it again and thats something that happens when fandoms get into the equation

still it was and will always be one of the games that absolutely made me love the videogame media as a whole and made me meet some great people in my life and for that I'm still glad to this day

if you think this is gringey or edgy I assure you this game has more to it that meets the eye and it sure is some of the most influential piece of gaming around that has had some echoes not only in the videogame landscape but even for the Internet as a whole

so yeah

toby fox is kinda based

having a lesbian couple in this game had one of the greatest impacts on the lgbt community to this day change my mind

Reviewed on Mar 12, 2023
