[reviewing this after finishing branch C but also before reviewing the entirety of drakengard 3 but I will post this after finishing all the reviews damn this is a stupid remark]

two in my opinion in the main game is possibly the most obviously psychotic one like she looks and her soul feels absolutely manic like she is unbearable you can see that she's tormented from head to toe

and this DLC is about that omg yayyyyyy

two is someone I didnt have strong feelings about because mainly I completely forgot about her because idk . she may just be underused or maybe I just don't care about her both can be the explanation for this

now cent

cent is the most annoying character in this game its absolutely insane how annoying he can be during the main campaign I swear to fucking god

he is a cute guy sure and possibly the best looking guy of the bunch but I swear what he says and how he says it is unbearable to the fucking bone I can't stand this guy I wouldn't touch him even if he were the last standing man in this entire planet

now actually when you play this DLC and you see that he acts normally and caringly towards two is nice to see

I dont enjoy couples I hate these two like why would you push your love in my face who gave you the right to do that

two and cent relationship apart from the disgusting affection they show each other every 3 seconds is probably the most real couple in this game they're all so fucking superficial and such and thats probably why this deeper human affection takes the cake and stirs the hate of everyone in this cast since they only care about sex and not about love (I am also part of the cast)

unfortunately tho this little interlude actually made me realise that two might actually be the one sister who cares the most about human beings around here and she built an orphanage too ? she's cute you guys im do sorry she got mind broken

so what happens is that you can see her slow decline into madness because of what happens due to cent stupidly charging the entire capital of intoners power

now cent is fucking stupid but I genuinely like the fact that he did that to make the soldiers more capable to protect two because he actually cares about her idk guys I actually like this couple delete everything I said about PDA being cringe

so thats about it and the final boss is absolutely painful to do like hearing two scream again and again is so damaging to my psyche

now playing as her is super nice (she's a swordswoman that's why I like her) and the levels are interesting enough to keep me hooked so that's fine another great DLC in this fucked up game

fuck you cent I hope you die some more times

the absence of gabriella is painful tho

and her little portrait is cute

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2023

1 Comment

"he is a cute guy sure and possibly the best looking guy of the bunch"
one word: decadus.