sometime in the past i wanted to check out ghost trick for ds because everybody told me it was so good it was so great it was so special it will make you cry and whatever the fuck

i tried to play it and i definitely didnt vibe with the puzzle gameplay even though the premise of the story was pretty interesting

now after some time they decided to give it some remaster treatment and im glad they did because this really made me decide to finally get into the groove and complete this game once and for all and i can say that im really glad they did

obvious stuff out of the way theres no more 2 screens to play the game but only one and this translates into a fairly trickier experience BUT i can say that 90% of the time i didnt have any issues with it unless i needed to take the ghost line in between 2 objects or shit like that but i mean not a huge problem if you ask me then the art direction got an entire HD overhaul realistically the art style of the game is already fucking amazing the portraits with those thicc ass lines and amazing character designs to boot really drive this goofy and emotional experience home an when you get them into HD glory it really shines of a new light im not entirely contrary to the original ds pixel style even though the character models do just look like a bunch of random flashy pixels that move but still good and then the ost is probably one of its strongest suit but was really damaged by the fact that the sound power of the nintendo ds was the same of a nokia in 2006 so you know its pretty bad and thats why they made an ENTIRELY ARRANGED OST and guys it slaps dear fucking god they really did an amazing job on this one its absurd how good this can get when technology isnt the one of 2010

so all in all really good remaster i wished they had done some more stuff for the game itself such as stretching it to fit 16:9 and incorporate the hourglass into that screen instead of just giving some black bars on the side and putting the stuff there but i guess its fine its really a great remaster they even put some more stuff like concept art and illustrations and music and some challenges i didnt play because i hate the gameplay

as for that i cannot say im the biggest fan of the gameplay granted im a huge hater of puzzle games because they make me feel stupid im not a really patient person and im too adhd to keep my attention on the little details here and there in the game BUT before someone comments that i should die i can say this is a very elite time for the puzzle genre it has a lot of different places with different objects to use the main gimmick of possessing stuff and using it do defy death against a time limit is really fun if you ask me and i can see how they put some good thought into this and as soon as i was starting to be overwhelmed by the complexity of levels and overall kind of tired they introduced a banger new way of playing and thats very clevel

still ! not my favorite aspect of the game at one chapter (you know the one i will give you an hint egg statue) i completely lost it and opened a walkthrough im sorry shu takumi i know you tried to make me enjoy this gameplay but i just couldnt

where this really shine is the narrative and interactions between characters throughout the game with some funny moments (i havent laughed a single time not my humor but i guess they should be addressed as funny moments) and great exchanges and an overarching plot that spans for a decade

the main intrigue of the story is what pushes you till the end of the game you are a dead guy who doesnt remember anything of his past and all of the sudden he begins to use some ghost powers to manipulate stuff and save a detective cute redhead girl called lynne and oh this is not the only time youre gonna save her shes gonna die a lot in this fucking game rest assured

still the plot twists really hit and the story gets some more into the paranormal aspect of things which i thought was kinda weird at first even though this game is already kind of bizarre but at the same time it gets so fucking emotional if you ask me and its really cool to go from house to house from place to place to resolve murders and getting to know each of the different characters and their quirks

lynne the sweetest little cupcake in the entirety of the universe i love her shes so brave and cute i enjoyed her as a side heroine throughout i swear to fucking god also kamila is pretty great and i enjoy her sisterly relationship with lynne and she has one of my favourite character designs of the game and also UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH MISSILE MY SON I LOVE HIM SO DEARLY I WANT TO HOLD HIM AND PET HIM FORREAL then daddy jowd is also kind of interesting i didnt particularly vibe with his martyr vibe but hes incredibly hot and goofy so i think hes gonna get a pass for that and special thanks to the woman with the red hair being pretty funny if you ask me i enjoy the drunk sexy mom trope too much if you ask me then the 2 gay guards in the prison i know youre in love dont hide it and then the blue dominatrix woman with the whip i want her to peg me

the end basically i love all of them

i dont like cabanela his personality is ass hes not funny and hes not even hot can i say this here

umh i mean how the story unraveled is pretty cool and the main plot twist at the end of the game made me both gasp for air and scream my lungs out and cry for a quarter of a hour and thats pretty fucked up if you ask me after giving me the sweetest ending ive seen since basically every single ace attorney game shu takumi knows what hes doing if you ask me

so thats it im glad i could finally play this fucking game and missile you will always be in my heart im not joking bitch

sorry i could not get myself to like the gameplay i guess i deserve jail

Reviewed on Jul 04, 2023
