A good start to my most anticipated arc in Kiseki. The cast is probably the best since Sky and Van is a stellar protagonist. The battle system could use some polish but it's definitely on its way there. The OST has its moments but is sadly a bit weak due to a large talent exodus in Falcom's sound team jdk. My biggest gripe with Kuro as things stand is the writing, which, while not terrible, doesn't hold the momentum from the excellent Chapters 1 and 2. The mafia antagonists seldom behave like an actual mafia while the plot point of an immigration crisis promised in earlier arcs isn't delivered on very well. It's a fun game but today's Falcom is perhaps focused too much on the sci-fi, the supernatural and the showy. While these elements can definitely be exciting, they tend to be at their best as garnish for more grounded, human struggles, a touch of magic to make the ordinary seem extraordinary. Perhaps I'm being a bit unfair to hold 2021's Kuro no Kiseki to the standard of what Falcom started building in the early 00s but they are so, so close to making something great. All they need is to find that bit of harmony between the classic and the modern.

Reviewed on Jul 09, 2022
