Oh, look at that! AC Valhalla got a sequel this quickly? Weird name for it though, "Hogwarts Legacy".

Sorry for the meanness, but this is pretty much everything I despise about triple A games nowadays. A successful time waster, barren of any substance whatsoever. Hitting the usual Ubisoft clone faults:

-Awkward pacing all around
-Bland ass dialogue
-Mediocre gameplay
-Over the top UI
-Mind numbing collectathons
-Side quests = fetch quests
-Bloated open-world
-Plays like it should've come out in 2014
Etc, etc.

To be honest, I can completely understand if you enjoy it as a hardcore HP fan, but I personally found it very silly. And I'm probably being too harsh with my rating, but I don't have any patience left for these types of games anymore.

★½ – Unplayable ❌

(And oh yeah, Rowling is an awful piece of shit of a human. And no, that's not reflected in my rating. The game's just that bad as it is.)

Reviewed on Feb 25, 2023


1 year ago

Esta franquicia es de un pibe que los padres le hicieron todo por él y él es al que consideran un idolo, ¿que fe se iba a tener en este juego? 😂

1 year ago

Y eso es lo mínimo de las boludeces que tienen los libros. Yo masomenos disfruto de las pelis de HP más que nada por algo nostálgico, y pensé que talvez lo disfrutaría desde el lado de explorar Hogwarts, pero ni eso. Hay una interacción forzada como cada 15 segundos mientras solo caminas. Insoportable.

1 year ago

Layton toma nota