This review contains spoilers

It's good and there's clearly a lot of passion put into this game, and you should try it but take into account that it feels very... indie. Take that as you will. Still, impressive for a mostly solo project, even though some of its details could've been ironed out. Here are some random notes about the game, since I don't have that much to say about it. Heavy spoilers at the end.

-Love the Swiss alps setting, and how it feels like the town is above the clouds. A very dark fairy tale feel.
-Hand drawn visuals are pretty cool, specially like how "imperfect" it looks.
-Hmm, pitchfork combat is annoyingly clunky.
-I swear it should be illegal for indie devs to apply stealth mechanics to their games.
-Oof, checkpoints are rough. Just let me saveeeee.
-Man, what the fuck is going on in Switzerland?
-I love the word "Muvel" for some reason.
-Sound design is soooo good. It kind of got me a few times, also.
-Narrative's presentation has been pretty stellar so far. Very cinematic, maybe some Kubrick here and there?
-Goats are not cute, and you can't convince me!
-Did my game just soft lock? (...Yup)
-Why is the goat in my backpack still bleating if I already interacted with it! So annoying. Is this a bug? (...Yup)
-Wow, this has some wonderful imagery...
-Only one jump scare, but fuck, it was a good one.
-I loved the ending I got, but...

-Does it really makes sense? Wouldn't it just mean an infinity time loop? Am I missing some cultural context, perhaps?
-Do temporal paradoxes work differently in Switzerland? Lol.
-I wonder if the game would've been as good if I hadn't gotten the good ending. 🤔

★★★ – Good ✅

Reviewed on Apr 07, 2023


1 year ago

Oh entonces esto es lo que pasa cuando se derriten los alpes

1 year ago

@Blowing_Wind Yup, es un documental. El cambio climático hizo que las cabras hablen.

1 year ago

I’ve been thinking of picking this up for quite a while now, but I didn’t know much about it beyond the really interesting art style. I think I might actually give it a purchase now though.

1 year ago

@Yobyoni It's definitely worth trying. Just don't do like me, and finish the cable car puzzle without exiting the game, because it'll soft-lock lol.