Disc 1, Evolution:

In short, game sucks major ding-dong, but if you want to play Last Raven, sadly, you should play it. Worst mission design of the series by far, repetitive and peculiarly easy. At least it's very short.

Random notes:

-Why does the menu use a mouse? Lmao. It's not like the game released on pc.
-Maybe that's Fromsoft way of flexing the new and innovate analogue stick? (fifth game and 4 years into the PS2 era, btw).
-Soundtrack is the best one in the series so far... even if the menu song sounds straight out of a Barbie dressing flash game.
-Graphics are also better, and overall more immersive. So... why ruin them with a blurry filter I wonder?
-Even if there's questionable balance changes regarding movement, the new controls make the game play so much better. And you don't have to do a Mortal Kombat combo to drop a weapon anymore!
-They overcompensated too much for analogue aiming. Heat mechanic and ECM's are way over tuned.
-Why can't I sell parts from my inventory? Such a weird downgrade.
-I love to have a constant high pitch TRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR sound in my ear for the duration of the mission because of ECM abuse.
-Cutscenes don't make sense. Why is your AC watching while your allies get killed?
-Why is the loading screen longer than some of these missions?
-Lol, there was a mission that was literally to kill a single helicopter. It died in two shots.
-This game would be perfect for Silent Line's style of missions with enemy spam, but nope, very few mobs here. Why give us so much arsenal to use now with the addition of Left-hand weapons and hanger units then?
-Oh look, a new worse version of a memorable and much harder AC boss! And... it's dead in seconds.
-Ending this shitty game with that fantastic finale feels like an insult. Specially with how memorable the final theme is.

★½ – Unplayable ❌


Changed my rating to 4 after playing Disc 2

Reviewed on Aug 13, 2023


9 months ago

Y esta seguro es la razón por la que From se andaba quedando sin guita XD

9 months ago

@Blowing_Wind Puede ser, porque la próxima expansión Ninebreaker es un cash-grab sinvergüenza

9 months ago

I'm starting to think that playing armored core will be more of a pain in the ass than the discovery of a fascinating franchise.

9 months ago

@Yu_hero It can be, specially the early games. They're fun, but really difficult if you don't know how to adapt to the different encounters the game throws at you. But so far Nexus is the only one that I despised, apart from disc 2 which was its saving grace.