I got Cuphead close to release and played through it in about a week and about 20 hours. I'm by no means a skilled gamer, and thankfully, despite its high difficulty, you actually get better really fast in this game.

Fast forward to today and I have put over 64 hours into it through multiple playthroughs of just playing around on my own or with my little brother without really getting far, including the most recent 20 hours which I spent to get all achievements in the game. I'm not someone who goes for achievements usually, but I recently got the itch to do so and chose Cuphead for my first (intentional) 100%, and I'm glad I did.

First off, replaying Cuphead has shown me once again what a fantastic game it is, both in terms of gameplay and especially visually. Cuphead's presentation is among the very top for video games. The attention to detail in every level is just absolutely insane. On top of that, the devs went as far as to create three different difficulties, all of which add plenty on top of what is already present in the boss fights, making it possible to go for three different runs, all of which are tougher than the other. Going above and beyond is a statement that fits Cuphead very well.

The soundtrack is great, the bosses and their variety is great, the challenge is almost perfect (Why do I not get invincibility frames after I use my Super Art???) and the replayability is very high.

Maybe don't go for 100% if you're not a skilled gamer or OK with getting the urge to punch the wall a couple times, but do play Cuphead, it's one of the must play video games in my opinion.

Reviewed on Oct 20, 2023
