4 Reviews liked by find_god

Thank you Kohta Takahashi for inventing music.

Drake of the 99 Dragons: 99 Dragons, 0 Bad Albums, Not a Pedophile

Aubrey "Drake" Graham: 0 Dragons, like 4+ Bad Albums, Pedophile

In conclusion,

Silent Hill 2 and 3 happen to be two of the finest games ever masterfully created. Silent Hill 2 is going to be 20 years old this year, and Silent Hill 3 is approaching 18 years old.

I've actually played Silent Hill 1 and 3, and I know people are probably going to be triggered by this, but I have never played Silent Hill 2.

I got Silent Hill 3 as a Christmas gift in 2019, and I was lucky enough to get an original PS2 copy for around $45. And I consider it not just one of the best Survival Horror games I've ever played, but one of the best games I've ever played period. So I can now understand and fully appreciate just what all the fuss was about with this game.

So if I enjoyed the living hell out of Silent Hill 3, I can only imagine how good Silent Hill 2 is. I wish to write reviews for both games in the future.

I am desperate as shit to get my hands on Silent Hill 2, because I know everyone calls it the best game in the franchise, but it's literally impossible for me right now because I don't have a PC, which would be both the easiest and the best way to play it. And if I wanted an original PS2 copy, we're talking $80-150, even more than that, on Amazon and Ebay, which is just insane.

It's just not possible to grab a copy without spending an absolute fortune. And I bring this up because I absolutely refuse to play the HD version of Silent Hill 2.

The fact that we are in the year 2021, and the HD Collection is STILL the most accessible way to experience Silent Hill 2 and 3 really speaks volumes of just how much Konami has completely neglected them. Konami is basically the equivalent of that meme where that girl gets gorilla glue in her hair. They're just complete fuckin' brainlets.

Imagine the public's excitement when back in 2011, Konami announced that Silent Hill 2 and 3 would be returning in an HD Collection. But already there was a problem.

First of all, where was Silent Hill 1 and 4?

Tom Hullett, who was pretty much in charge of Silent Hill at the time, stated that Silent Hill 1 wasn't included in the collection because it's a PS1 game, and porting PS1 games to current generation hardware was "difficult."

Yeah, bullshit. You were just lazy just like with the rest of this collection but I'll get into that.

But then he states that Silent Hill 4 wasn't included because of how polarizing it was to fans. Which I don't see why that means that you can just leave it out entirely. It's a game that you either love or hate, but me personally, I think it's a really good game and it deserves the attention.

This collection is without a doubt one of the most disappointing broken messes ever released that completely disgraces the legacy of these beloved games. I've never played Silent Hill 2 but while looking at footage for the HD version I did my best not to spoil myself from any story details.

{Everything Wrong With Silent Hill 2 HD}

So, one of the most obvious things: Why are the roads so clean and paved? They're not supposed to look like that. They're supposed to be all dirty and grungy. The paved roads actually makes it difficult to see the blood marks in the town, which is a visual clue on where you're supposed to go at first.

And another thing that's immediately fucked up is that the fact that there is barely any fog. In the original games, there's so much fog that you can barely see a couple feet ahead of you, but that's the whole point. It creates a feeling of tense claustrophobia.

But in the HD version, the fog has been utterly butchered. When you get to the town, there is no fog surrounding you. The only fog you see is in front of you, it's like a bubble of fog that you are infinitely chasing. And it's always got a straight line on the ground depending on where you're facing, it looks god awful.

But it's even worse in the cutscenes. There are scenes where the fog is supposed to cover up areas you aren't supposed to see. But guess what? The fog is completely gone. Know what that means? You can see where the game environment cuts off in some areas. Wow. Fuckin' wow.

There are two major issues that affects both games in this collection as well as the Maria Story Mode. Everything is way, WAY too dark. Even if you put the brightness setting all the way up, it doesn't help much. You literally can't see anything without the flashlight, and even then, it's still too dark when it's on. It's so fuckin' dark that you can barely see the character model turning to face items.

And some of these items you need to get to progress, and if you can't see them, you're gonna miss them. And it's even worse in Maria's scenario, because she doesn't ever get a flashlight. So you end up running around in rooms where you can't even see the doors that you're supposed to be going into because it's almost pitch fucking black.

And the other major issue is the slowdown. The majority of the time you are playing, there are freezes and slowdown, and this can make the experience even more unbearable than it already is.

There are also other huge issues like missing sound effects, misplaced sound effects, scratched out sound effects, music not playing where it's supposed to, major frame drops when getting achievements, it's just so so bad.

Before you start the game, you get the option to choose the voice overs. For the HD Collection, there are new actors for the characters. But since you get to use the original voices for Silent Hill 2, complaining about the new voices is pointless.

But Silent Hill 3 forces you to play with the new voices and oh ho ho ho I will get into it.

It's honestly disheartening to see this game reduced to such a state and has never been officially remedied.

But if you thought Silent Hill 2 was bad, good fucking God is it nothing compared to Silent Hill 3. Silent Hill 3 HD is without a doubt an absolute disaster by every definition of the word.

{Everything Wrong With Silent Hill 3 HD}

The first thing that you will absolutely notice is that there are a shitload of voice syncing problems in the cutscenes. Almost nothing is synced up properly. It is abysmal. And there are many instances where the subtitles do not match with the dialogue being spoken. They can also lag behind or skip forward. It is all so sloppily put together.

Also for some fucked up reason, there were changes done to the script, and now the cutscenes are fucked up even more than what they already were. There are lines of dialogue that were straight up changed merely for the fact that Tom Hullett wanted to change something to make it his own, which is straight up disrespectful to the people who fuckin' made that game.

But the funny thing is, they changed the dialogue, but they kept the subtitles the same. Which just shows how lazy these people were when it came to this port.

So about the voices, Silent Hill 3 does not give you the option to play with the old voices. So what do I think of the new voices? I do think they're pretty good, I like them.

Except for Heather and Claudia. They sound nothing like the characters they're supposed to represent. They sound way too old. Heather sounds like a middle-aged woman who is being heavily directed instead of a distressed 16 year old girl. It sounds fuckin' terrible.

And Claudia sounds 20-25 years older than what she actually is. It's just.. ugh, I fucking hate it.

There are also instances where textures don't load up properly, shadows are glitchy, there is a bad motion blur glitch going on, and the sound effects bug out as well. The SMG comes to mind. When you shoot it, it just makes the sound of static. I am not joking. And the fog can also glitch out as well. The game also crashes. A lot.

Silent Hill 2 HD is really bad, but it actually makes me sick that Silent Hill 3 HD was and still is in this bad of a state. I can't believe this was even put out in stores. I can only imagine the sheer disbelief of the people who actually bought this trainwreck.

{ Who is responsible? }

There are two major reasons why this collection is so botched.

When you boot up the game, you see a developer named Hijinx Studios in the intro. It turns out this studio were given the responsibility of porting these games. I've never heard of these guys before, but I think I know why after doing some research.

Wanna know what games these guys have made prior to Silent Hill HD Collection? Well we got...

- A series of Tony Hawk mobile games

- Two PS3 games called Frogger Returns and Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgement

- A single Nintendo DS game called TouchMaster 3

- And THREE Karaoke Glee games for the Nintendo Wii

But you wanna know what these guys specialize in? Porting old video games to MOBILE platforms.

So now with a very important question: Why in the holy mother of shit was this studio given the task of bringing SILENT HILL 2 AND 3 to current generation consoles? See, this is one major issue, but here's the other problem:

It turns out that Konami fuckin' lost the original source code for their games years before the HD Collection was even a concept. But for some reason, they still had their BETA source codes. So they actually decided to take their incomplete Beta versions of each game and port those.

So it's no wonder why they're so fucking bad. What boggles my mind is the fact that you don't keep your original source codes safe somewhere for when your fans want you to bring them to modern platforms.

You could have also done what Square did with Final Fantasy VIII Remastered and just rebuild the game from the ground up if you lost the source code. But no, you had a developer studio whose only credibility is fucking mobile gaming take the broken Beta versions of each game, slap them onto a Blu-Ray disc, and then shove it out there for the world to see, with some unnecessary tweaks here and there.

Everything that could have possibly gone wrong with this collection has gone wrong.

If you thought for a moment that Konami can't be any more reckless and non-caring when it comes to the Silent Hill IP, this should be all you need. Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Castlevania, all of these franchises are in complete standstills now, and have been reduced to Panchinko machines. Konami are more worried about their god forsaken Pachinko machines than the good will of their most respected franchises.

Because that's all these games are to these fucking people now: money and cash grabs. And it's depressing.

This is the worst thing that Konami has ever done, yes I'd say even worse than Metal Gear Solid 5 and Metal Gear Survive, and at least all of the Metal Gear Solid games are still relatively easy to get your hands on these days, especially with the Metal Gear Legacy Collection, which is an awesome package. But I just can't say the same for Silent Hill. And that's just sad.

And yet they continue to be scummy and neglectful to this very day. Seriously, fuck Konami now and forever.


There is an alternate universe where Rockstar Table Tennis is the biggest entertainment property in history and GTA was a weird anomaly