Similar to Operation Thunderstorm but boring and less satisfying.

What a great game, had a real blast playing this.
These nazi ragdolls were really satisfying to watch lol.
I don't get these low ratings.
It's short (took me 1 hour to beat it), entertaining and the gameplay is really satisfying what's not to like? Well there are bugs here and there but nothing game breaking.

I absolutely fell in love with this game. This is the best Need For Speed title in my opinion. Progression, races, customization, the open world, graphics, the gameplay shift between day and night, satisfying driving, everything was and felt great! The story was cool too.
Big portion of the dialogues are corny but they didn't bother me that much, they were actually entertaining in their "corniness" to be honest.
This is an absolute gem of a game.

Worst entry in the series :(
I was actually bored when playing some of the games in the collection. Too bad that the quality of games included within these collections decrease with every part.

1 hour of muddy cuteness.

And that's about it

The final boss is basically Dark Souls for kids.
Overall a good game, first few levels are very, very fun.
I was surprised how entertaining it was, but then it came frustration. With every level the game becomes less and less enjoyable, I know it's a classic mechanic in video games that difficulty progresses, but mix it with clumsy controls and abilities that sometimes just don't cooperate with you.
The game gets really annoying at times but despite all of that it's a good Spongebob game, not great, good.

I am really glad to be able to experience this masterpiece once again. I remember when I first played it, it was in middle school, I hated story driven, no guns and blood games with lots of dialogue and cutscenes, but this game...
It just clicked, and I loved every second of it.
Truly one of a kind.

Couldn't enjoy it.. as much as I tried it was just plain boring, None of that Silent Hill atmosphere is present here. What a waste.