If you loved Teardown and Besiege this one is definitely for you.
(It's extremely well optimized too, hadn't encountered a single stutter or lag in my 8 hours of gameplay)

There were goblins, and they were choppin'.

This game made me hate babies.

Worst FPS game I've ever played.
Our character is always ice skating and the difficulty even on recruit is like a newborn playing football against Lionel Messi.
And.. I don't really care about graphics but damn.. Let me just say some tree textures looked like they went through compression 1289 times.

Well. As much as I like budget WW2 shooters, this one is not it.

Devil May Cry got an FPS update.
It was okay, nothing exceptional.

Felt slow and boring to me.
Don't get me wrong for a PSP game it really is impressive, but
I had to really push myself to play this, it felt like a chore.

What a fun game!
Loved the gore, ragdolls and unique gameplay elements that I've never seen in a first person shooter before.

Very cool game.

I hope the dealer dies in a fire.


Is this how people in Finland get to work everyday?

If the answer is yes, then I'm packing my stuff and moving there cause it's ADDICTING. (I blew myself up on my second run)

Similar to Operation Thunderstorm but boring and less satisfying.