Play it on the Saturn with an original 6-button controller. Turn the lights down, and the sound up for optimal experience. It's time to play the most ambitious rail shooter ever made - not the best - it isn't even the best game in the Panzer Dragoon series, but the one that makes the biggest promise.

Spread across 6 levels and 7 bosses, Panzer Dragoon proudly declares that 3D graphics, large environments, and fast multi-directional gameplay is coming to a CRT screen near you; just....not today. It is a game steeped the traditions of the Genesis and Super Nintendo in that you move forward on rails and shoot stuff with a cursor while moving your avatar to avoid taking damage, but with a graphics engine that manages to declare loudly and proudly that big things are on the horizon.

Each levels is bigger, weirder, and more atmospheric than the last, bolstered by unique enemy designs and the wonderful soundtrack Red Book Audio composed by Yoshitaka Azuma. They also get more difficult as each one builds in speed and projectile density. And yet, as you waltz into that final battle, you may be faced with the realization that it was perhaps a bit too brief. That yearning....will simply lead you back to level 1....again. And again. And again.

Reviewed on Aug 08, 2021
