This is one of the first games I have played in years and as someone who is not much of a gamer, this game is amazing. I see people criticized this game and say it is not as good as previous games like New Leaf. As someone who did not play much of any of the older AC games (besides a little bit of city folk when I was very young), I have nothing to compare this to. Therefore, this game truly amazed me when I first got it.

I can see why this game appeals so mcuh to adults. It is a virtual reality that you can create. You can grind to make bells without all the systematic barriers that make it difficult to get what you want IRL. In animal crossing, you can get anything if you grind for it (unless you use hacks). In the real world, this isn't always the case. The real world in unpredictable and scary at times. Animal crossing is a place that is always just "good vibes" and there is some predictability, but also positive excitement as well with new item drops, different daily NPCs, vllager birthdays, etc.

If you are looking for a game for an escape from everyday life, this is it.

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2021
