Superb. I was already expecting it to be fantastic and it still impressed me.
An anecdote of I guess somewhat irony, I finally got around to playing what I would say is the only game I've seen so far that justifies the PS5 hardware, on my Windows computer, but from how it crashed a handful of times, I think even this version advertises getting a PS5 pretty well. Also, yes, it crashed about 6 or so times, high enough I forget, lower than two digits though. Normally, I'd be pretty annoyed to the degree of penalization, but I think the game is fantastic enough to warrant closing an eye.
The game makes great use of the haptic feedback (I got a dualsense basically just to play this game) to supplement the sights and sounds with accompanying satisfying sensations. I wouldn't say that this game has fully turned me around on seeing the dualsense as a worthwhile investment but it has by a great degree.
Insomniac went above and beyond with this title, in the best way possible it feels like a game of this era of technology but of a bygone era of generous giddying collectable design. The golden bolts each functioning ala Lego game red bricks/cheats is such a fantastic decision, something that was a pleasant surprise to be sure.
In conclusion, this game has big head mode, it's a worthwhile purchase if you're on playstation, and a decision that you might need to weigh yourself if you don't have a strong enough computer. I personally have not played the game with keyboard or an xbox controller, so I cannot recommend that mode of play because I haven't tried.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
