Originally this review just said: "I was honestly surprised that this became my favorite game of all time. It came at the right time in my life that I could really just simply enjoy it, and I continue to. Delightful game, one of the best rougelikes on the market." I'm trying to make my writing more substantial now and I think I can deliver my thoughts on why it's so good beyond impeccable timing. Spelunky 2 is the most modern pure roguelike you can have, there is no real out of session continuous progression beyond what you learn by dying again and again. Nothing in-game but so tangible nonetheless, when you get to the point you have to remind yourself to stop and smell the roses, you notice how effortlessly you balanced atop a tightrope to navigate there. Piles and piles of your past dead bodies litter the floor beneath but they're all from days or weeks ago, you've gotten so much better you've hardly even notice, but it is there. It's very honest about what it is, to a degree the aesthetic could be seen as seductive and misleading but the vibe of the wonderful art becomes less and less inaccurate as your skill improves. There is no arbitrary gain, as much as I love Hades, I could not beat that game without any upgrades (at the time of this review). Spelunky let's you download the game on a new system and beat it like you've done the thousand other times on your other devices with no need for save transfers. It's a pure and wonderfully engaging experience that has made me eternally dislike New Super Mario's physics and I care not that I'm missing out on that. It's something so rare now, a standalone one time purchase game you can play offline, with no worry if support were to disappear making it unplayable. If there was a way I would buy a physical PC disc of it. It's just fantastic.

Reviewed on Dec 29, 2022
