I didn't really enjoy this game.
The music was good, nothing blew me away but I did think the dynamic music with robot chanting and the switch from lyrics to non lyrics was good.
The final "route E" segment was pretty cool.
The flight sections and hacking minigames in particular were fun and the hacking was explored very creatively.

The 9S playthrough was so pointless. For memory there are exactly 2 scenes where their paths diverge and it is right at the start and right at the end. I know all the pretentious youtubers like to act like the cutscenes of the backstories of the forest king and the theme park robot totally add a lot to the game, but literally as soon as you hit pascals village in the first playthrough you realise that machines are basically quirky humans and all the fluff after that of "maybe...these machines are feeling human emotion...maybe slaughtering them is wrong..." that comes after is snoozy. The whole network thing is dumb and the anwer you get of some android running the whole war just to keep everyone busy is dumb. LIke it is a good setup and i was waiting for it to get good but then the game does basically nothing with it. People who cream for the story must have never experienced any other media in their lives, or evenly heard a remotely interesting story from their friends. "So uhh theres this android and they kill the machines and then they think maybe the machines arent too bad but then theres these naked boy machines and they uhh and then they go insane and kill each other and then you shoot the credits." Literally how else would you explain this game. I dunno if the mid is a lot easier to consume on ps4 where it actually gets frames but on switch you are putting up with mid graphics, and mid fights to get to a mid story. And yeah i know the game knows that its endings are shit and thats why the pods say lets change it, but then the ending you get after that long credit sequence is just a cutscene of everyone snoozing.
Negative 2. The game does not explain the combat to you at all. I played the game in three spurts and in spurt one i was not looking anything up so as not to ruin "peak" so i had like no chips installed or whater anyway the game is basically impossible without the deadly heal and heal over time chip. Also the dark souls chip retreival thing is dumb. it would be fine if it actually worked like dark sould but they way it removes all your customisation is dumbass. Any questions? im not a hater ok i think a2 is hot too.

Reviewed on Jun 17, 2023
