Played it at a friends house when I didn’t have anything else to game on other then a wii and I genuinely think this game is way underrated and hated on too much, it was so fun racing away from the cops

Such a fun game for mobile, even the glitches were fun because They were predictable and didn’t interfere with the gameplay unless you wanted them too. I have fallen out of the map more times then I can count and when you do it you get a little achievement which is so sick and as a kid I felt so cool figuring out how to drive through the rock and glitch the game like that

Well made and decent gameplay for iPod touch in like 2015

Genuinely fun for mobile while using tilt controls

Feels fun and very good to control but past that the puzzles aren’t that good

Fun to waste time in class with

Gta for kids who were not allowed to get it because of there parents

Such a shitty game and does not deserve to have the name hill climb even associated with it

Insane how good it looks and runs while on an iPod touch, good game

It just makes me want a Wario Ware game on mobile even more

I am the first person to ever see this game and log it, it was fun as a 13 year old but I think there was some clipping bugs that would make you fall into the world and jt probably aged horribly. But it was fun on my iPod touch

Played this with my sister the multiplayer is so much fun with her

Genuinely probably have 100s of hours in this game

Good for a mobile game. It knew it’s place and did what it wanted to do well