Not even done yet and this is my favourite game I have ever played, everything feels so smooth and just right

Don’t understand why there isn’t that much reviews for this it is so good

Fun game but should have an updated rule set to play a bit faster or change things up a bit in a mode or something

Fun to have in the background as you watch a live stream or listen to music

Fun little game, I should play it more

I deleted this game it was so bad but it was fun to walk around and see Pikmin in my neighborhood

This game was not good when it came out but in current year it is a fun little game to have on your phone and I just wish there was a bit less micro transactions


Genuinely very fun just wish it was still free

I should try speed running this game it looks pretty cool

Dumb ways to goat. Such a fun game, it’s a good replacement for a mobile wario ware game