the silver case is difficult to discuss. your knowledge of suda51's work, enjoyment of visual novels, and how much you can tolerate arbitrary ass writing will make or break your experience with this game.

personally, i am absolutely in love with this game, and it's my favorite visual novel of all time. it has an incredibly unique presentation that creates an atmosphere i've never experienced in any other game, let alone suda51's other work, through the incredible artwork and soundtrack. objectively this game has fantastic character writing, with the transmitter route featuring an amazing cast and the placebo route having one of the best protagonists ive ever seen in media.

the story is hit or miss. its admittedly word dumpy at times, and there are some plot beats that can breeze by you but suddenly be super relevant later. characters can be hard to remember across chapters, hell, theyre usually drawn completely differently depending on the chapter. i took alot of time to process this game, but i understand that not everyone is willing to OR able to make that time. these aspects don't bother me enough to dock points, but it's worth considering

the gameplay is Fine. just Fine. it's weird to get used to, but you'll have it down after the first 2 chapters. this is TECHNICALLY an adventure game, so there are puzzles and interactables strewn about- but usually it's super easy to figure out, and the game even autosolves puzzles for you if you can't be fucked. as expected of a vn, the gameplay is just there to present the story (insane)

the silver case, again, is my favorite vn of all time. it has incredible depth for grasshopper manufacture's first release and still holds up today with its themes of criminal psychology, individuality, and wooowowaha government conspirarcy woaowow. but its true the game isnt very approachable and can be hard to sit through for some people. i think it is very, very worth it though, as a gateway to "kill the past" and especially in relation to its sequels, FSR and the 25th ward: the silver case

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2024


4 months ago

How high can you jump?

4 months ago

maybe around 23 inches