(originally written 1/27/2020, revised)
Okay so, to be frank, I don't think this game merits anything more than a bullet-point review, because I don't really have anything special to say about it. That being said, I liked the first game more, but here are a few things its sequel does better:
- voiced protagonist allows you to better visualize him slowly losing his grip on reality
- better visuals and variety of environments
- story feels more personal and consequentially a LOT more disturbing
Aaand that's about it. Now for what it didn't do as well:
- less hiding and more running, doesn't feel as tense
- the microphone mechanic is useless
- sometimes feels like it's trying too hard to be darker and edgier than its predecessor
- the supposed main villains only really have a background presence
- sloppy ambiguous ending that only gets explained in an obscure-ass supplementary webcomic (ambiguous endings can be good, just not this one)

5/10 overall, at the end of the day it's just mid

Reviewed on May 13, 2021
