I will make a better review after I play more but HOLY SHIT THIS GAME IS AMAZING SO FAR

So, after logging 44 hours, and finishing a few runs, I can say that Hades II stands tall alongside the first game in just about every way. This may be a warm take, but I prefer the sprint mechanic, over the game being a dash spam. I found this game harder than the first, which is a pleasant surprise. I love the lore built up with Melinoe through the game, and love how much she contrasts Zagreus. Seeing familiar faces get a glow up was nice, and it was just such a great experience. I will be doing AT LEAST a few more runs before the full launch.

Amazing game, and easily in the running for my GOTY 2024.

I give Hades II a STROOOOONG 9 out of 10!

Reviewed on May 07, 2024
