Despite the fact that Stranglehold's campaign is barely 3 hours, I just cannot finish it.

Midway was a very dear publisher to me, they made and published creative and fun games like no other company (well, maybe THQ). Stranglehold is not a fun game, I would even say that it is not that creative either.

This is the sequel of Hard Boiled, a John Woo film that seemingly everyone loves, despite the fact that John Woo's career almost ended 2 times before. He is not that good of a director and his style ages like milk.

His over the top action style is the core of the gameplay here. It almost feels like a railshooter, because you need to interact with the environment and also react quickly to enemies in order to gain style points, and the more you do this, you fill up a meter that let you do some "crazy" things like heal yourself and infinite ammo.

It is essentially an arcade game, but what makes this game really irritating are:
1. The camera is too close to your character, sometimes even basic navigation is chaotic.

2. The bosses are laughable. They are bullet sponges and they have very idiotic gimmicks that will make you suffer.

3. After the second chapter, the game becomes a gimmick festival, and you need to survive through waves of enemies while protecting a jazz band, avoid laser traps and etc. It sounds fun, but it is not at all.

I really wanted to like this game, but I just cannot. I am nearly at the end but the whole gameplay is just so bad.

Reviewed on Jul 09, 2023
