96 Reviews liked by gabrieldehyrule

this game seemingly had potential but it was so quick and ended on a cliffhanger it felt like a demo rather than an actual game, would've changed the ratings if maybe there was more cases, more gameplay elements (that are not just typical vn choices) and more sprite animations because there were only few repeating sprites it made the game boring. MC also had a cocky attitude it made him annoying.

Without love, it cannot be steamed

merry gasps for air in between long sobs christmas

As far as I'm concerned, an utterly perfect conclusion. Every character has a moment to shine, and in a story with a cast this good, that's a great thing. But what's really special here is the theming, and the constant push to carve your own path in life. Umineko has always been metatextual, and treading that line would surely be a delicate task for the final episode, but the balance struck here is simply, well, miraculous.

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Final disso aqui é um dos negócios mais lindos que já vi... Riposa in pace, Beatrice.

And thus Umineko comes to a close.
This experience will always have a place in my heart, of that I am completely certain. When I look back on this specific time of my life, this is what'll come to mind.

im currently writing this after crying all night long for the finale im a hollow husk of my former self because of this game

A perfect ending to an incredibly ambitious story. Ryukishi is a genius and this work a gift for the humankind. Without love it cannot be seen.

Weak first and second act, but the third makes up for it.

Definitly preferred this ending to the Higurashi series—great way to end a series for sure.

Me in a drive thru: "U-umm I want one B-Big Mac ple-"

Willard H. Wright on the passenger seat, screaming in my ear: "EARTH TO EARTH. ILUSIONS TO ILUSIONS. THE INGREDIENTS TO WHICH YOU SEEK CAN BE FOUND AT HOME."