This review contains spoilers

first half/second third is peak metroid honestly, the formula of the 2d metroid games put into a 3d environment is something that seems like an inevitability honestly. it works so well and the exploration is so fun and rewarding. except when it gets to that last third. the blatant fetch quest that is prevalent near the end of the game and is mandatory to even get to the final boss is really not my cup of tea, and speaking of the bosses, spoilers!!!!

the 'metroid prime' boss and enemies/fights similar to it are hogwash im sorry. i hate the idea of having to panic kill enemies while youre trying to find the boss by switching your lenses and flicking your camera around like a madman. and dying at the second phase of the fight sends you right back to the beginning of the final area which was not fun i will say! after beating the boss i didnt feel accomplished, just thankful it was over.

lastly, one more negative, the backtracking is absolutely a slog and brings the game down a couple of points in my opinion. since the game is in 3d now, you have many more traversal options and ways to layout rooms, but these new 3d rooms combined with said backtracking makes it a nightmare sometimes to go through. having enemies respawn every 2 rooms does not help as well, definitely makes running around trying to find everything a hell of a time and not a good one.

though ive ragged on the game a fair bit, i still love this game to death, it's not perfect by any means, but god the metroid formula of exploring and finding new shit to open more of the map is a tried and true formula that just works. hopefully prime 2 gets the same treatment as this remaster.

(by the way this was a review on the game itself not the remasters enhancements because this is my first time playing prime! thanks yall! <3)

Reviewed on Feb 28, 2023
