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May 20, 2020

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Well.....huh. I don't know how I feel about this. On one hand I love a lot of things about this: The soundtrack is amazing, the horror atmosphere is good, the story is alright it ain't bad I can't complain. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared once or twice. But at the same time I don't know how I truly feel about the game if you want me to be honest. The gameplay loop is hide, sneak, distract, puzzle solving which is cool. But it feels like kind of a predictable loop whereas Clock Tower, the game this game is a spiritual successor from, had a lot more...variety in what you do I feel. But I don't know. Out of the three hunters, the first one is an old man with his bare a ss hanging out which made me giggle more often than not I know that's weird but I don't really care. The nun was the creepiest hunter there with the constant rambling. However their running animations felt floaty (or at least the old man) where he was running in place but he was moving towards you; kinda like levitating except you're moving your legs for exercise. I didn't expect the plot twists except one at the very end with a reveal that was kinda like....no shit. I won't say but if you want a quick horror game that involves a lot of hiding, running, and such it's not bad. I just hope that the sequel builds upon the foundations of this game because if it's the same game then meh.

Soundtrack is phenomenal
I love the horror atmosphere
The story takes an interesting turn here and there

Weird animations sometimes
Stupid quick time events
One plot twist towards the end is dumb
Loop feels predictable, especially when it involves finishing a puzzle which creates a loud noise in which you must hide
Environment can be a tad confusing
Finale is kinda frustrating

I know that I listed more cons then positives but what the positives do to me make up for A LOT of the problems that I listed. It's a game series that I hope really grows into something fantastic and I'm interested in seeing how it's sequel, Broken Porcelain, will become. However I hope it's much better than this. The game right now is about 20 dollars for like 4-5 hours of gameplay give or take. How much that's worth is up to you really.

From Steam Reviews: https://steamcommunity.com/id/gamemast15r/recommended/